

October 12, 2010

Just brought Kavin home after the second day this week of spending hours at the doctors office.  Exams, x-rays, antibiotics…  thanking God that his diaphragm is all good.  Realizing again, however, that no matter how much I love my little boy, I cannot protect him from the ills of the world.  I can hold him, comfort him, and help him the best I know how, but only God can heal and relieve the pain and the suffering.

When I stepped out of the car bringing him home from the visit this afternoon, I noticed a brilliant, dazzling yellow butterfly, the size of a small bird.  It’s wings striped like a zebra, it hovered and kissed the flowers of the citrus fruit much like a caregiver.   The creature’s beauty reminded me of when , as a small child in kindergarten, I watched these ugly silly worms build cocoons, and then hatch into glamours and beautiful creatures that flew.  Once they slid on the ground centimeter by centimeter.  Now they could fly!

My pastor is in the hospital, overcoming a heart attack.  As I prayed with his wife, a dear “spiritual mom” in the Lord, the Spirit reminded me that it is only through trials that we are truly transformed.  It is in these times that we nestle into the cocoon of God’s truth, love, and peace.  It is in surrendering to His divine plan and purpose that we transform from silly and plain luke warm followers, to vibrant, resolved, and passionate disciples.

It is the theology of butterflies.  Our trials produce, “perseverance, perseverance, character, and character, hope.  Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”  I hope God heals my loved ones.  Just as I hope that I will see dad again in heaven.  And I eagerly wait for it!  Yet I know that no matter what happens, God causes all things to work together for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 5:3-5,  8:24-26, 8:28). My life is not my own anymore.  I am wrapped in His cocoon… and someday I will be a butterfly!


  1. As I wipe the tears flowing from my eyes, I must tell you how beautiful your words are… They always inspire me and open my eyes to ways of loving my God, more and more than the days before… Thank you Seana for lighting up my world through your words. Love, Joni

  2. Absolutely beautiful and oh so true. The butterfly was sent to you and you accepted and shared the message and the truth so beautifully. Tell Kavin to give you a great big hug from his grandma.

  3. Thank you so much for hear the Lord’s voice and for let him use you so we can hear him trough you!!! What a blessing you are in my life. I love you so much Seana!!!

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